He was threatening to arrive early, so I left for AZ on October 29th and returned to OH on December 13.
So much happened on the RV front that I should probably return to the beginning and fill you in.
From where I left off we had water in the kitchen and the bathroom and had put up the tile in the kitchen. We put it up about a week before I left for AZ. It turned out so nice! How rude of me to make you wait so long to see the finished product!
Look how the glass tiles reflect the light. I love our choice!
Don't ya just love it?!
The day that my flight was to leave, I had just enough time to help James move the washer and dryer into their respective places in the RV. The washer fit perfectly as we knew it would because we had previously had one in place. The dryer on the other hand was a little bit more of a challenge. So much so, that it took a day or two before James could get it just right. It also ended up causing some damage to our beautiful ceiling, but you can't tell unless you are looking for it.
Just so you know, James and I have a rule. If anyone comes into our home and begins to point out the flaws we will calmly remove them from our home and not allow them back. LOL This is our baby and we don't want to hear anything negative about it. :D
Once grout work was completed and the washer and dryer were in place. James decided it was the perfect time to move EVERYTHING into the RV and start living in it. When I say everything, I mean everything, the bed, the T.V. , the dishes, food, etc.
We are still in Fostoria at the same address, but it is much more affordable to heat the RV instead of an apartment.
When James very first moved in he was using a camp chair since we didn't have the recliners. We ran in to a snag with them, so we ended up canceling our order and for the time being we have second hand recliners. They fit and are somewhat comfy, they just don't match the decor, but we have plenty of time to find what really works and what we really want.
We are using the coffee table until we find the perfect fireplace for our space. The coffee table is working out nicely and gives Molly her own little quiet spot, out of the way of traffic. No complaints from her on the move.
James got the vent in over the stove and the kitchen looks fantastic.
My desk area is superb! Still trying to figure out the flow of the area, but I'm in no rush. I think my favorite thing about my desk is the Christmas tree my hubby got for me! He knows how much I love Christmas and was sad to not have a tree this year, so he went out and bought AND decorated the tree and had it waiting at home for me. Gotta love that man!
The window treatments are just temporary as well. We are still trying to figure out what we want to do, but don't really care for the nosy neighbor peering in at us during various times of day.
I'd show you the bedroom, but we have all sorts of light blockers everywhere. The street lights from the neighborhood are a little much to the point it feels like daytime if you don't put something up to block the light. Once we get our room looking a little prettier as well as functional I'll show some pictures. However, if you pop on over I'll be more than happy to give you the full tour.
Hopefully you found the wait for the blog update worth your while. I tried to add as many pictures as I could. I must admit though, pictures just don't do it justice, you really need to come and see for yourself how pretty it turned out.
So many of you have been asking how soon we will be moving. First, it was going to be August, then it was November. We have decided NOT to put a time limit on when we'd like to be out of here because it just leaves us feeling disappointed when the date comes and goes, so we will let you know when we figure it out. :D
Thanks as always for stopping by. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!