James worked a lot harder than I did, but what else is new? LOL He finished putting up the trim around floors, walls, stairs, and pretty much everywhere that needed it.
Then we had a duh moment. We have that HUGE roll of carpet (the kind used for headliners in cars) that he’s used on the storage cabinet and also to wrap around the bed frame. James suggested using it to finish off the wall where my desk is instead of going out and buying more of the bead. I was not all that excited about it, but he made a good point that it would add a little extra insulation AND it would save us about $50, so I reluctantly agreed.
Now I must apologize to my husband for not believing that it would look nice. Sorry honey! I love you so much and appreciate your talent!
Here is the project during its various stages.
Don’t worry there was painting involved…I know you are jealous…I had to paint the little trim pieces. UGH!
The neighbors are becoming more and more curious about our project and a few even approached James this weekend asking if were ever going to “finish that thing and take it camping”. They were very surprised to learn it was going to be our home and super excited to go on a grand tour of our home on wheels.
In addition to painting and finishing up trim and finishing the desk project, we had to finish the last two windows. As you may recall, this project requires removing all the screws, removing the entire window, cleaning the window frame AND all the goop from it as well as where it rested on the coach, then caulking and replacing the window and screws.
Here is a little word of advice. If you are going to do said project, it is best NOT to have the BLACK window frame directly in the sun on one of the hottest days of the summer. It is also best NOT to clean the goop off the side of the coach in the peak sun times on one of the hottest days of summer, (sunscreen was used…at least by me, but it still was *H* O* T*!!!) and finally it is best NOT to re caulk the window frame that has been sitting in the sun as the stuff tends to set a lot faster, AND the window is a tad bit on the SCALDING side when you go to put it back in place.
We learned our lesson on Sunday, so Monday we finished the very last window and had that project completed by 11:00 a.m. No burnt fingers, no fast drying caulk and no unnecessary sun exposure. I’d say it was a good day!
We also spent part of the day buffing the coach and removed all the metal stuff from the top of the coach.
Here are the projects we have left:
- Tiles for the kitchen wall
- Faucet for the kitchen sink
- Range hood for the kitchen
- Purchase fridge
- Track lights for over the desk
- Faucet for the bathroom sink
- Carpet for the bedroom
- Finish up the bed frame
- New Tires
- New Power Steering Pump
- Possibly some new batteries
- Get the heck outta here!!!!!
Speaking of getting out of here, Jorden will be going down and registering on July 22 for his classes and then July 27th I’m hoping to be heading off to my scrapbook weekend with my girls (including Kara and Eva this year), then spend a few days with my bff from high school then off to NC. I will be back in OH in Sept. to drop Jorden off at school and to help hubby tie up any loose ends and get on our way. Oh ya, and I guess sometime in there we need to have an open house so people can see what awesome work the hubby and I do. J
Hope you enjoyed visiting the blog today. As always, feel free to share your thoughts or pop on by for your own private tour. Have a wonderful day!