Hello one and all! Received a complaint that my last blog was a tad on the negative side, so I figured I better redeem myself by blogging more than ONCE this month and by making it more sunny and cheerful.
In my defense, the blog was mirroring my feelings of frustration at the possibility of spending one more winter here and the annoyance of being unemployed and so broke I can't enjoy myself! :D
Anywho, enough of that. Now it is time for some good news! Yesterday James and I splurged and tried out the new Chinese buffet in town and I must say that it was both delicious AND affordable. No, no that is not the good news, but I'm getting to it.
As is customary after consuming the more than recommended servings of pot stickers, lo mein, and general Tso's chicken, we received our fortune cookies. Both of us expected to receive a run of the mill fortune that didn't really apply to us. However, the universe must have received my voice mail the other day about giving it a rest with all the crap it's been dumping on us lately because James' fortune was very encouraging. Check it out!

Sure enough within hours of receiving his fortune (from the fortune cookie that is) James received the pay he was supposed to have received on the 15th. YAY! Then of course that meant bill paying BUT also RV shopping.
The RV shopping is more exciting these days because it is now for decorations and other such items and it also means there isn't a giant price tag on the items. Would you like to see what we bought? Of course you would, why else would you be visiting our blog.
Being the frugal shoppers that we are, we headed to our local Good Will to see what kind of treasures we could find. Of course we didn't have to look too intently. We immediately found these rustic looking basket/tray containers.

They fit perfectly on top of the fridge. We will be using one to hold our foil, baggies, etc. and the other will hold our spices. We paid $5 for both of them! Yay us!
Our next stop on our shopping trip was to Menards. There we picked up some insulation for the plumbing under the coach, a couple of hoses for the bathroom sink project and a couple of nice throw rugs for the bathroom and the kitchen. The colors are SO pretty and look great. You should come and see them in person! Pictures just don't do them any justice.

After a stop at Menards, we headed to my favorite crafty store, Hobby Lobby. There we were in search of a handle for the pocket door at the front of the coach. We didn't find exactly what we were looking for, but we did find a handle that works and some extra treasures we weren't looking for but HAD to have once we saw them. We paid $6 for all these treasures! We were expecting to pay more, but unbeknownst to us they were 50% off!!!!
Here is the door handle. Don't tell James, but I think it looks to be PERFECT for hanging things like a purse, scrapbook tote, etc. ;)

While looking around at HL we came across these two fantastic hooks that really work with the nautical theme in our bathroom.

They will hang on the wall next to the shower. I LOVE them!
Once we finished there we headed to Wally World. We were looking for a mirror for the bathroom. We were really hoping to find an extending shaving mirror, but neither of us wanted to spend $30 for one. While wandering around WW we ended up in the picture frame home decor area. What do you know, we found a mirror that was the PERFECT match for our bathroom and the price was even better at a mere $5.95. I think it will work, don't you?

We also found a fresh water hose for a decent price. Hooray! That was one of the major items we needed to purchase and I was super excited to cross it off our list!
So there you have it all the pretties we purchased for a very reasonable amount of money.
Don't you worry, shopping and decorating hasn't been the main focus in the RV this week.
Earlier in the week our kitchen faucet arrived and James quickly got on installation after he purchased a new drill of course. It isn't anything fancy, but it is new and shiny and totally fits the space.

It is getting so very exciting! I really hope we can hit the road soon.
I forgot to post when I came back from NC a picture of the ADORABLE nesting Gnomes that Kara bought me.

They are the cutest things ever! I don't know how this gnome craze came about, but I love it. Ok, actually I do know how it got started and if you don't know the story behind it and are curious just ask me, or my friend Kim. We'll be glad to fill you in ;)
That pretty much brings you up do date on the RV Project. The only things we have remaining to purchase/complete are:
- Tiles for the kitchen
- Chairs
- Window Treatments
- Tires
- Batteries
- 50 amp cord
- Gas
We are getting so much closer and I do hope that James' fortune rings true for more than one day. We'd really like to be able to get out of here BEFORE Christmas. We can dream can't we?
Thanks for checking in. I hope this post is more upbeat. :D As always, the invitation is open to stop by and check out our place. If you wish to see me for the guided tour you only have 7 days. I'm heading to AZ on the 29th to help prepare for my first grandson. Keep warm and enjoy your day!