I like to think we have about 6 more weeks in the state of Ohio too, but I'm not going to put the cart before the horse, or count my chickens before they hatch. I will say things are looking pretty good for my prediction.
Now that I’ve had time to get acclimated to my new home, I’m really enjoying our decision. At first, I kind of thought we were a bit goofy for stepping so far out of the American Dream box and I’m pretty sure many of you still think we are a bit nuts, but that’s ok. So many of us live with more than we need or can afford and we just don’t want to spread ourselves thin, or miss out on life because we can’t afford to live it.
Yes, right now we are struggling to afford all the things we need to get out of here, but I truly believe once we have moved on our situation will vastly improve. My Arizona family and friends thought I was crazy for leaving sunny AZ to return to bipolar Ohio. However, so many great things came out of this move that I don’t regret it. First of all, I met my fantastic and handy husband and gained 3 more fantastic children. Secondly, I received my BS degree in business from the University of Findlay. Finally, I learned to become a strong and independent person as I mainly had myself and later my husband to rely on. Therefore, I feel this next chapter in my life will be full of successes and life lessons to cherish.
Ok enough of the blah, blah, blah! Let’s get into what you really came here for, PICTURES!!!!
A few weeks ago James and I decided we needed to bite the bullet and return to RAC for a fireplace. The one we found is fantastic and also HUGE. The sweet thing is its programmable, so once it hits the set temp the heat part turns off. Sweet! Hopefully, that will help with our electric bill which was as much as our rent this last billing cycle. YIKES!
Along with providing affordable and efficient heat, it also provides more leg room as it is much narrower than the stand we were using for the TV. It also has ample storage space, which as you know is very important when living in small quarters.
We bolted the TV on top of the fireplace in order to keep it in place while we are on road. The fireplace is also bolted to the floor to prevent it from moving around as well. Once we get to our destination, I’ll let you know how it went.
The only snafu we encountered with the installation of the fireplace was the lack of room for Molly. Since the fireplace is so large we had to find a new place for Molly. I ended up cleaning out the drawers we had under the desk area and reorganizing my scrap/craft goodies. Once that was out of the way we were able to create a “room” for the basset. I think she likes this space more than the one she had by the door. It is less drafty and more out of the way of general traffic, which makes for better naps.
As you will notice we have a new chair for the desk. Like usual, James and I came across a deal we couldn’t pass up. The chair was on sale at Menards for $35! It is exactly what we were looking for and the price was affordable, so we snatched that baby up in a heartbeat. The following week we were in Menards and passed by the chairs again and they were back up to their regular price of $95. WOW! Now if we could just find someone to fix the power steering line for an affordable price.
Hopefully, next week will have two new tires. Excuse me as I do the happy dance. It has been mentioned for quite sometime that two tires were the big things holding us back from getting this show on the road. Keep your fingers crossed that it happens and isn’t just wishful thinking.
Last weekend we fired the big girl up again and she turned right over. YAY! We do need to get the power steering situation straightened out and once that is done all we’ll need is cash for gas and its all systems go. I can’t begin to explain how excited we are. I’ve been deep cleaning the apartment the past few days so that will be ready to roll when the time comes.
We also checked all the running lights on the coach and cleaned them up and made sure they were all working. James also replaced the outside light near the door. It was missing the light cover and the wires were not very healthy so he thought it best to replace the whole shebang. It’s the little things that make a big difference. There isn’t much left to do now other than hurry up and wait.
Next weekend we will be attending the Camp and Travel RV Show in Toledo. We like to go just to see what’s new and exciting. We might even be looking for a place that can service our big girl to make sure she is road ready. If you are interested in checking out the show, click on the link and you can get a coupon for $1 off admission.
Well, I think I’ve run out of things to fill you in on, so I’ll bid you adieu until next time. Have a wonderful day!
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