Hello loyal followers and blog lurkers! It appears that we have had a monkey wrench thrown into the works. No, no we did not float away from all the rain, nor did we get swept away to Oz by the 60 mph winds. Although Mother nature is certainly raining on our parade. For every one day of sun we get 4 days of rain. If that isn't bad enough, the universe has also decided to give us a mighty blow.
On Sunday, James was dropping Jorden off at work and getting ready to get some gas when our van (and one and only form of transportation) made a horrific sound and then refused to move. The transmission went out. Really? Seriously? That totally bites! So now we are borrowing a friend's car. James and friend were going to put in a new transmission this weekend, BUT James just got a new job, started today and found out he has to work ALL WEEKEND and straight through until next Saturday ! Yay for the job and increased funds for the RV project, but boo for working 10 days in a row when there are so many things to be done.
This newest development puts us back a bit of time, at least two weeks because we have to wait for James to get the van fixed AND get time off to work on the things that need to be done. I guess we really shouldn't complain because we have accomplished a lot since the RV project got rolling in December. We just need to remember that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was just a way for us to step back into the now and give us some time to recharge (as much as you can working 10 days in a row) before diving back into the RV projects.
Whatever the reason, I'm sure we will find out in due time. Until then we keep pinching our pennies and pulling ourselves up by the boot straps. Before you know it the time for us to roll outta here and on to our new adventure. I'll be sure to post updates as soon as we have something new to report.
Have a good one!
Follow our progress as we renovate our 1984 Fleetwood. Once the project is complete we will be making it our full time home.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
April 23, 2011 The sun has returned!
There is nothing better than sun and warmth to make one feel productive and alive. We have had so much rain lately it makes it hard to feel motivated or to get much accomplished when the weather isn't nice.
Even though we had a beautiful day today, the forecast is once again calling for rain tomorrow until at least Wednesday. This weather is getting old FAST. Let's hope that April showers bring some May flowers. I would prefer a budding money tree, but I guess I'll take warmer and drier days if they come in May. At least then we'd be able to get some stuff done on the outside of the coach.
The inside of the coach is coming along nicely. Today we installed trim around the pocket door in the front of the coach. We also painted and installed the trim around the door. I love how it looks!

We also painted trim for the bathroom doorways.

James also worked on the trim for the bedroom, added chair rail and we installed the padding for the carpet. Now we just need for the carpet to fall into our laps.
The bedroom is basically finished now except for the carpet and the plywood for the bed frame!

In addition to all the pretty work, James installed the junction box on the outside of the coach for the cable while I went cleaning crazy on the inside of the coach. Since we have done so much sanding and cutting of wood on the inside of the coach it was COVERED in dust.
Tomorrow we will finish installing chair rail and trim and will also install the cabinet doors and of course we will continue to pick up tools and move things out that we are finished with. We might even get to installing the bathroom floor and the toilet.
We shall see how motivated we are and just how much we accomplish seeing as the weather is supposed to be ugly once again.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy your holiday!
Even though we had a beautiful day today, the forecast is once again calling for rain tomorrow until at least Wednesday. This weather is getting old FAST. Let's hope that April showers bring some May flowers. I would prefer a budding money tree, but I guess I'll take warmer and drier days if they come in May. At least then we'd be able to get some stuff done on the outside of the coach.
The inside of the coach is coming along nicely. Today we installed trim around the pocket door in the front of the coach. We also painted and installed the trim around the door. I love how it looks!
We also painted trim for the bathroom doorways.
James also worked on the trim for the bedroom, added chair rail and we installed the padding for the carpet. Now we just need for the carpet to fall into our laps.
The bedroom is basically finished now except for the carpet and the plywood for the bed frame!
In addition to all the pretty work, James installed the junction box on the outside of the coach for the cable while I went cleaning crazy on the inside of the coach. Since we have done so much sanding and cutting of wood on the inside of the coach it was COVERED in dust.
Tomorrow we will finish installing chair rail and trim and will also install the cabinet doors and of course we will continue to pick up tools and move things out that we are finished with. We might even get to installing the bathroom floor and the toilet.
We shall see how motivated we are and just how much we accomplish seeing as the weather is supposed to be ugly once again.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy your holiday!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
April 17, 2011 Part 2
Well we made it out into the beach house on wheels today even though we are both ready for this project to be finished. :D James feels as though it should be a lot farther along, but I think it's looking really good. I try NOT to think about all the thousands of other things that need to be done before we head off to this new adventure. It will get done when it gets done and we just have to deal.
Today was pretty productive. The bathroom sink is now ready to be plumbed in. He FINALLY was able to cut all the way through the granite and the sink looks AWESOME.
Did you know that the sink is a custom made, one of a kind piece? We wanted a vessel sink, but all the ones we looked at were gigantic, not to mention spendy. James and I decided to make our own and the search began. We had to find a metal bowl that was deep enough and didn't look like a kitchen mixing bowl. Like with everything with this project, we found what we looking for relatively easy. The bowl was on sale AND the store we found it at was having an additional percentage off sale, so we got this $95 bowl for $27 bucks! We LOVE all of our bargains!
Well, I think you have waited long enough to see the finished product, so here are some pictures of the custom made bathroom sink. Let us know what ya think!

In addition to finishing the sink James worked on patching holes and finishing edges on the walls. Once everything was dried we painted. Of course we painted, not one trip out there anymore goes without some sort of painting. :)
I painted the trim that goes above the cabinets and between the ceiling and walls and then we put it in to place. James installed the light in the front part of the coach. It looks so nice! The wires to the right of the light are for the switch.

The next big project we have coming up, besides the flooring, is tiling the kitchen wall. Today we cut out the backer board and put it into place. That was quite a task, but hubby is amazing with his talent and we got it done. Oh, and you can see the beautiful counter! I lied earlier, hubby didn't get the stove put into place yet because she needs some touch up paint and then we can put it back in place.

Hopefully the weather this week will be decent because we had to remove the kitchen window to create the template for the backer board. That meant we had to remove all the screws and sealant which could possibly cause leakage if we get too much rain.
Tomorrow will be more sanding and painting as well as some more cleaning so that the flooring can be put down in the bathroom!!!!!! Sometime soon I will be borrowing my friend Kim and her new dremmel tool to help with the puck lights AND to help me tile. She doesn't know about the tiling part just yet, but I figure she watches enough of those home make over shows she has to be almost a professional at it :D
Oh I almost forgot to mention that we purchased the recliners!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again we were shopping around and on a whim decided to stop at a furniture store with the intention of looking only. The sales person was so nice and showed us all the chairs they had and we were almost ready to leave the store and she says "oh wait I have these chairs here and they are buy one get one free". I love a good deal and was sooooooooooo excited when I heard this! The chairs are very comfy and work well with our colors. We put them on layaway because we have no where to store them and they would be in the way while we are working on flooring. It is not a very good picture because I took it on my phone, but it gives you an idea of what we found.

So glad you could stop by and check out our progress. One of these days soon we will be inviting those of you who are close by to stop on over to check out our finished product.
Today was pretty productive. The bathroom sink is now ready to be plumbed in. He FINALLY was able to cut all the way through the granite and the sink looks AWESOME.
Did you know that the sink is a custom made, one of a kind piece? We wanted a vessel sink, but all the ones we looked at were gigantic, not to mention spendy. James and I decided to make our own and the search began. We had to find a metal bowl that was deep enough and didn't look like a kitchen mixing bowl. Like with everything with this project, we found what we looking for relatively easy. The bowl was on sale AND the store we found it at was having an additional percentage off sale, so we got this $95 bowl for $27 bucks! We LOVE all of our bargains!
Well, I think you have waited long enough to see the finished product, so here are some pictures of the custom made bathroom sink. Let us know what ya think!
In addition to finishing the sink James worked on patching holes and finishing edges on the walls. Once everything was dried we painted. Of course we painted, not one trip out there anymore goes without some sort of painting. :)
I painted the trim that goes above the cabinets and between the ceiling and walls and then we put it in to place. James installed the light in the front part of the coach. It looks so nice! The wires to the right of the light are for the switch.
The next big project we have coming up, besides the flooring, is tiling the kitchen wall. Today we cut out the backer board and put it into place. That was quite a task, but hubby is amazing with his talent and we got it done. Oh, and you can see the beautiful counter! I lied earlier, hubby didn't get the stove put into place yet because she needs some touch up paint and then we can put it back in place.
Hopefully the weather this week will be decent because we had to remove the kitchen window to create the template for the backer board. That meant we had to remove all the screws and sealant which could possibly cause leakage if we get too much rain.
Tomorrow will be more sanding and painting as well as some more cleaning so that the flooring can be put down in the bathroom!!!!!! Sometime soon I will be borrowing my friend Kim and her new dremmel tool to help with the puck lights AND to help me tile. She doesn't know about the tiling part just yet, but I figure she watches enough of those home make over shows she has to be almost a professional at it :D
Oh I almost forgot to mention that we purchased the recliners!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again we were shopping around and on a whim decided to stop at a furniture store with the intention of looking only. The sales person was so nice and showed us all the chairs they had and we were almost ready to leave the store and she says "oh wait I have these chairs here and they are buy one get one free". I love a good deal and was sooooooooooo excited when I heard this! The chairs are very comfy and work well with our colors. We put them on layaway because we have no where to store them and they would be in the way while we are working on flooring. It is not a very good picture because I took it on my phone, but it gives you an idea of what we found.

So glad you could stop by and check out our progress. One of these days soon we will be inviting those of you who are close by to stop on over to check out our finished product.
April 17 Bathroom and Kitchen and Cleaning OH MY!
Hello one and all! Good things are happening in the Beach House on Wheels. James has been a busy guy working on getting the bathroom ready for a sink. He worked for 2.5 hours on Friday drilling a hole in the granite counter top so the sink can be installed. The down side is, he still didn't make it through and the drill is about ready to go kaput. We purchased a new hole saw bit yesterday at Menards and are hoping that it works. Keep your fingers crossed that we can complete that project today. We still need to buy a faucet for the bathroom and I think we have decided on the one we want, just need to wait until payday. :D
In addition to the bathroom work, James has been working on the Kitchen counter. That project was a lot of hurry up and wait. He stained the counter top then had to wait for it to dry before applying another coat. After the staining was complete he had to put on the protective coating, which meant more hurry up and wait. During the waiting period he had to be very careful about the projects he worked on so that he didn't stir up any dust or debris that could possibly get into the counter top treatment. Here is a picture of the counter so far.

Friday James let me know he has secured the counter and has installed the stove and sink. Can't wait to see what it looks like!
Today we will be working on sanding and painting (again) the sanded areas. James is going to finish the hole for the sink.....we hope.....and then it will be time for a deep clean. Should be a pretty productive day. I shall return with updated pictures. See you soon!
In addition to the bathroom work, James has been working on the Kitchen counter. That project was a lot of hurry up and wait. He stained the counter top then had to wait for it to dry before applying another coat. After the staining was complete he had to put on the protective coating, which meant more hurry up and wait. During the waiting period he had to be very careful about the projects he worked on so that he didn't stir up any dust or debris that could possibly get into the counter top treatment. Here is a picture of the counter so far.
Friday James let me know he has secured the counter and has installed the stove and sink. Can't wait to see what it looks like!
Today we will be working on sanding and painting (again) the sanded areas. James is going to finish the hole for the sink.....we hope.....and then it will be time for a deep clean. Should be a pretty productive day. I shall return with updated pictures. See you soon!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April 10, 2011 Sunny Sunday!
First of all Happy Birthday to our beautiful grand girl Eva, she turned 2 today!! I can't believe how time flies. Can't wait to finish this project so we can be closer to her and be there in person to celebrate with her.

Now time to get down to business. Even though I haven't been blogging doesn't mean the progress on the beach house has been at a stand still, it is actually quite the opposite. James has primed AND painted the ceiling that we put up last weekend. He has also installed electrical outlets inside the cabinets in the main part of the RV so that we can plug in the puck lights without wires hanging out all over the place. He has also moved some of the other plug ins to more realistic places so that we don't have wires in our windows or work spaces.

Friday we purchased some butcher block for the kitchen counter. We tossed around a lot of ideas since we had to cut up so much of it to fit the sink and the stove. This idea was the most cost effective and it gets the job done.
Today James cut the butcher block to fit. Now all we need to do is stain it and treat it so the water from the sink, etc. doesn't ruin it. It is looking really nice! We are thinking of going a dark stain, but haven't totally decided yet.

In addition to working on the counters we PAINTED again today YAY! OK, OK so maybe I wasn't as excited as I'm pretending to be. The nice thing was the weather was GORGEOUS, so the paint dried fast allowing for us to get a lot done! I was able to set up a paint station outside and finished up the cabinet doors and trim. James put on additional coats of paint on the walls and we both worked on touch up. Now that we have more coats of the green on I'm back to loving the color! We also installed new hinges on some of the doors and then installed the majority of them. We just have a few more to install but that will be done after the touch up work is completed on the kitchen cabinet.

We are getting close to finishing with the painting, I know I keep saying that, but it is really true. As soon as it is finished we can start putting in the flooring!!!!!!!! I am very excited for this step.
Some of our projects we still have to work on are:
* Finishing the bathroom sink
* Finish kitchen counter/sink
* Flooring in the entire coach
* Finish the bed
* Adding trim to walls and beadboard
* Install hardware for cabinets
* Install puck lights and wall sconce
Those projects are just the ones to prettify the big girl. We have a lot more things to do to get her healthy enough for the trip down to NC. I'm not going to think about that right now cuz that just stresses me out. :D
We definitely feel as though we accomplished a lot today, even though they were just some small projects. Tomorrow is back to the office for me and back to painting for James. Thanks for stopping by! See you soon.
Now time to get down to business. Even though I haven't been blogging doesn't mean the progress on the beach house has been at a stand still, it is actually quite the opposite. James has primed AND painted the ceiling that we put up last weekend. He has also installed electrical outlets inside the cabinets in the main part of the RV so that we can plug in the puck lights without wires hanging out all over the place. He has also moved some of the other plug ins to more realistic places so that we don't have wires in our windows or work spaces.
Friday we purchased some butcher block for the kitchen counter. We tossed around a lot of ideas since we had to cut up so much of it to fit the sink and the stove. This idea was the most cost effective and it gets the job done.
Today James cut the butcher block to fit. Now all we need to do is stain it and treat it so the water from the sink, etc. doesn't ruin it. It is looking really nice! We are thinking of going a dark stain, but haven't totally decided yet.
In addition to working on the counters we PAINTED again today YAY! OK, OK so maybe I wasn't as excited as I'm pretending to be. The nice thing was the weather was GORGEOUS, so the paint dried fast allowing for us to get a lot done! I was able to set up a paint station outside and finished up the cabinet doors and trim. James put on additional coats of paint on the walls and we both worked on touch up. Now that we have more coats of the green on I'm back to loving the color! We also installed new hinges on some of the doors and then installed the majority of them. We just have a few more to install but that will be done after the touch up work is completed on the kitchen cabinet.
We are getting close to finishing with the painting, I know I keep saying that, but it is really true. As soon as it is finished we can start putting in the flooring!!!!!!!! I am very excited for this step.
Some of our projects we still have to work on are:
* Finishing the bathroom sink
* Finish kitchen counter/sink
* Flooring in the entire coach
* Finish the bed
* Adding trim to walls and beadboard
* Install hardware for cabinets
* Install puck lights and wall sconce
Those projects are just the ones to prettify the big girl. We have a lot more things to do to get her healthy enough for the trip down to NC. I'm not going to think about that right now cuz that just stresses me out. :D
We definitely feel as though we accomplished a lot today, even though they were just some small projects. Tomorrow is back to the office for me and back to painting for James. Thanks for stopping by! See you soon.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
April 3 Getting Closer
Hello ladies and gents! I am sure you are chomping at the bit to see more pictures of the progress and to find out what we have been up to.
Friday James worked on the ceiling treatment. It was a little bit of a process, but he got it done and it will pay off in the long run. He cleaned the ceiling on Thursday and then Friday he spent the day priming and prepping. He also put up the cool door handles we purchased at Hobby Lobby of all places. Aren't they the cutest?

We took Saturday off again, but it wasn't a total waste. We did buy some of the cool looking paintable wall paper for the main ceiling area of the RV. Yes, I did end up getting my way. My hubby spoils me :D However, I DID help him cut and paste and we did a mighty fine job if I do say so myself. We only had a couple of snappy moments with each other, but we were working with wallpaper what do you expect? LOL I am really loving the look.

Unfortunately since we have purchased the paintable wallpaper that means we once again have to pick paint. PLEASE let this be the last paint purchase. I am going to ask for some opinions here and hope to get some feedback. We are trying to decide if we want to do the shimmer type treatment that we did in the bathroom (a different color of course) or if we want to just do regular paint. For the shimmer treatment we were thinking a champagne color. I think it would go good with our kitchen tiles and the green walls. We don't want to go too dark because we don't want the ceiling to feel like its falling in on us. Here is a picture of the tiles we will be putting up in the kitchen.

We are also contemplating using a very subtle tan color. Do you think the shimmer treatment would be too much since it is already in the bathroom? We don't want to do the copper color because we have used that in the bathroom. We don't want white because that shows dirt too easily.
I forgot I had promised pictures of the green walls, so here ya go. Hopefully that will help you help us make a decision.

Tomorrow James will be priming the ceiling and we still need to finish painting the walls, so maybe he'll spare me that job and finish it up for me. :D
We look forward to hearing your opinions and hope you enjoy all the pictures. Until we meet again, have a good one!
Friday James worked on the ceiling treatment. It was a little bit of a process, but he got it done and it will pay off in the long run. He cleaned the ceiling on Thursday and then Friday he spent the day priming and prepping. He also put up the cool door handles we purchased at Hobby Lobby of all places. Aren't they the cutest?
We took Saturday off again, but it wasn't a total waste. We did buy some of the cool looking paintable wall paper for the main ceiling area of the RV. Yes, I did end up getting my way. My hubby spoils me :D However, I DID help him cut and paste and we did a mighty fine job if I do say so myself. We only had a couple of snappy moments with each other, but we were working with wallpaper what do you expect? LOL I am really loving the look.
Unfortunately since we have purchased the paintable wallpaper that means we once again have to pick paint. PLEASE let this be the last paint purchase. I am going to ask for some opinions here and hope to get some feedback. We are trying to decide if we want to do the shimmer type treatment that we did in the bathroom (a different color of course) or if we want to just do regular paint. For the shimmer treatment we were thinking a champagne color. I think it would go good with our kitchen tiles and the green walls. We don't want to go too dark because we don't want the ceiling to feel like its falling in on us. Here is a picture of the tiles we will be putting up in the kitchen.
We are also contemplating using a very subtle tan color. Do you think the shimmer treatment would be too much since it is already in the bathroom? We don't want to do the copper color because we have used that in the bathroom. We don't want white because that shows dirt too easily.
I forgot I had promised pictures of the green walls, so here ya go. Hopefully that will help you help us make a decision.
Tomorrow James will be priming the ceiling and we still need to finish painting the walls, so maybe he'll spare me that job and finish it up for me. :D
We look forward to hearing your opinions and hope you enjoy all the pictures. Until we meet again, have a good one!
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