Now time to get down to business. Even though I haven't been blogging doesn't mean the progress on the beach house has been at a stand still, it is actually quite the opposite. James has primed AND painted the ceiling that we put up last weekend. He has also installed electrical outlets inside the cabinets in the main part of the RV so that we can plug in the puck lights without wires hanging out all over the place. He has also moved some of the other plug ins to more realistic places so that we don't have wires in our windows or work spaces.
Friday we purchased some butcher block for the kitchen counter. We tossed around a lot of ideas since we had to cut up so much of it to fit the sink and the stove. This idea was the most cost effective and it gets the job done.
Today James cut the butcher block to fit. Now all we need to do is stain it and treat it so the water from the sink, etc. doesn't ruin it. It is looking really nice! We are thinking of going a dark stain, but haven't totally decided yet.
In addition to working on the counters we PAINTED again today YAY! OK, OK so maybe I wasn't as excited as I'm pretending to be. The nice thing was the weather was GORGEOUS, so the paint dried fast allowing for us to get a lot done! I was able to set up a paint station outside and finished up the cabinet doors and trim. James put on additional coats of paint on the walls and we both worked on touch up. Now that we have more coats of the green on I'm back to loving the color! We also installed new hinges on some of the doors and then installed the majority of them. We just have a few more to install but that will be done after the touch up work is completed on the kitchen cabinet.
We are getting close to finishing with the painting, I know I keep saying that, but it is really true. As soon as it is finished we can start putting in the flooring!!!!!!!! I am very excited for this step.
Some of our projects we still have to work on are:
* Finishing the bathroom sink
* Finish kitchen counter/sink
* Flooring in the entire coach
* Finish the bed
* Adding trim to walls and beadboard
* Install hardware for cabinets
* Install puck lights and wall sconce
Those projects are just the ones to prettify the big girl. We have a lot more things to do to get her healthy enough for the trip down to NC. I'm not going to think about that right now cuz that just stresses me out. :D
We definitely feel as though we accomplished a lot today, even though they were just some small projects. Tomorrow is back to the office for me and back to painting for James. Thanks for stopping by! See you soon.
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