Today was pretty productive. The bathroom sink is now ready to be plumbed in. He FINALLY was able to cut all the way through the granite and the sink looks AWESOME.
Did you know that the sink is a custom made, one of a kind piece? We wanted a vessel sink, but all the ones we looked at were gigantic, not to mention spendy. James and I decided to make our own and the search began. We had to find a metal bowl that was deep enough and didn't look like a kitchen mixing bowl. Like with everything with this project, we found what we looking for relatively easy. The bowl was on sale AND the store we found it at was having an additional percentage off sale, so we got this $95 bowl for $27 bucks! We LOVE all of our bargains!
Well, I think you have waited long enough to see the finished product, so here are some pictures of the custom made bathroom sink. Let us know what ya think!
In addition to finishing the sink James worked on patching holes and finishing edges on the walls. Once everything was dried we painted. Of course we painted, not one trip out there anymore goes without some sort of painting. :)
I painted the trim that goes above the cabinets and between the ceiling and walls and then we put it in to place. James installed the light in the front part of the coach. It looks so nice! The wires to the right of the light are for the switch.
The next big project we have coming up, besides the flooring, is tiling the kitchen wall. Today we cut out the backer board and put it into place. That was quite a task, but hubby is amazing with his talent and we got it done. Oh, and you can see the beautiful counter! I lied earlier, hubby didn't get the stove put into place yet because she needs some touch up paint and then we can put it back in place.
Hopefully the weather this week will be decent because we had to remove the kitchen window to create the template for the backer board. That meant we had to remove all the screws and sealant which could possibly cause leakage if we get too much rain.
Tomorrow will be more sanding and painting as well as some more cleaning so that the flooring can be put down in the bathroom!!!!!! Sometime soon I will be borrowing my friend Kim and her new dremmel tool to help with the puck lights AND to help me tile. She doesn't know about the tiling part just yet, but I figure she watches enough of those home make over shows she has to be almost a professional at it :D
Oh I almost forgot to mention that we purchased the recliners!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again we were shopping around and on a whim decided to stop at a furniture store with the intention of looking only. The sales person was so nice and showed us all the chairs they had and we were almost ready to leave the store and she says "oh wait I have these chairs here and they are buy one get one free". I love a good deal and was sooooooooooo excited when I heard this! The chairs are very comfy and work well with our colors. We put them on layaway because we have no where to store them and they would be in the way while we are working on flooring. It is not a very good picture because I took it on my phone, but it gives you an idea of what we found.

So glad you could stop by and check out our progress. One of these days soon we will be inviting those of you who are close by to stop on over to check out our finished product.
I think once everything is all said and finished you need to get the outside painted with a picture of the two of you riding wild horses through the grasslands!