We have tested the theory and it does ring true that bad things do happen in threes. As you recall we had the transmission issue with the van, and then James got injured on the job, well on Friday James woke up to a missing wallet. We weren’t sure if it was lost or stolen, the only thing we knew for certain was that it was missing and that meant NOTHING was going to get paid and no purchases were going to be made for the RV project. GAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! So, the first part of our Friday was to cancel credit cards, head over to the Social Security office to get a new card, which they won’t give you without a driver’s license, which they won’t give you without a social security card.
Once we got all that hassle out of the way we decided to work on the RV because it was a beautiful sunny day, for once. The first project on our list was to open up the awning and see how it looked. The latches to hold it in place were quite rusty, but with a little elbow grease we were able to get them out and open up the awning. Everything looked GREAT!
Our next project was to start resealing the windows in the RV. But of course with it being Friday the 13th the deck was still stacked against us. The special window tape that James had purchased on eBay was about as useful as a sieve in a sinking boat. It had basically melted on to itself and was just total trash…kiss that $25 goodbye. James had a mini temper tantrum, but who could blame him, he did after all wake up to a missing wallet.
We stood around and stared at each other for a few minutes and discussed what we could work on. We did have the bathroom complete so we could start on the flooring. We also have the gigantic hunk of table that needed to be sanded. We decided to divide and conquer. The bathroom was way too small of a space for the both of us to be working and sanding was a task that I could manage on my own, so off we went on our separate ways, feeling as though we could accomplish at least something we were content to tackle our respective tasks.
All was going well, until the clouds rolled in and the wind picked up and the rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. I put down my sander and headed out back to the RV to help James roll the awning back up before the wind ripped it down. After a few minutes of fiddling with it we got it locked back into place just as the rain started to fall.
Neither of us was worried about the rain being serious enough to cause a problem with the table since we just had to walk up to the front of the house. Of course Mother Nature had other plans. Just as we made it to the front porch the sky opened up and poured! But don’t you worry, it wasn’t just the rain, it was gusty winds too, blowing the rain onto the freshly sanded table top. Really?! I bolt up the stairs and grab trash bags and tape in an attempt to cover and save the table. I get down stairs and James once again has a mini fit and I am screaming at the top of my lungs for him to get a towel and he yells back it won’t save anything and the table is going to be ruined. Then I yell a few colorful words and he throws down the trash bags and stomps up the stairs. By this time I am dripping wet and felt like running out into the front yard and reenacting the Lieutenant Dan scene from Forrest Gump. You know the scene where he is cursing and tempting God to due him in or to back off. However, there were no movie cameras around and I knew I wouldn’t get any sort of award for my performance, so I too, threw down the trash bags and sloshed my way upstairs. The two of us stood in the kitchen dripping wet a looking at one another, just shaking our heads and trying really hard not to go crazy.
We decide to move on with our night and made a pizza and watched a movie, forgetting our stress for the day for just a little while. Next thing you know the doorbell rings. James goes and answers it and what do you know, a stranger had found his wallet laying next to the van when he was walking by at 3 a.m. on Friday the 13th. He returned it to James with everything in tact; all the canceled credit cards and the social security card and all of his pictures, thank goodness the night had ended better than it had started!
Today we are hoping all that nonsense is behind us. We checked the table and it is such a great piece that it is not showing any signs of problems from yesterday’s rain. I am planning to get my trash bag cover ready in advance because they are calling for more rain and storms for the next few days. James is going to finish the bathroom floor and install the toilet. I will continue sanding the table top. Not sure what our plans are for Sunday, but we’ll just take it one day at a time that is about all you can do any ways, right?
Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this post and can take from it that there is such a thing as a happy ending…at least for a day. Enjoy your weekend and I’ll try to get some pictures posted soon of the floor and table.