Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011 Monkey Wrench part deux

Well, I guess the universe isn’t done messing with us. James got injured at work and is now off for medical leave for at least a week.

The 20 something yahoo he works with thought it would be funny to increase the speed on the machine that James had to manually feed pipe through. The first time he did it James gave him an earful and told the dipweed to knock it off. The second time it caught James’ hand and pulled it into the machine to the point it lifted him off the ground! The guy is lucky James’ hand was caught in a machine or else James would have beaten the living tar out of him. I would really like to have a talk with that kid and would LOVE to make him cry. Fortunately, nothing was broken, just a serious sprain, but enough to put him out of commission for awhile.

Since he works at a temp service that means no sick time and it also means he might not get his job back and it all means no money coming in. That really bites because he liked the job and his bosses liked him.

The other really sucky part is the guy who caused James to get hurt is STILL working and STILL bringing home a paycheck. What I wouldn’t give for some instant Karma for that guy right now!

A claim has been filed with workers comp so thankfully that is covering the medical expenses and meds.

Oh and let me tell you about the meds. The one medication he is on has a tendency to make people hyper AND to be a number one A$$. I don’t think it is fair for the Dr. to prescribe medicine that will cause that and not give me something to deal with that stuff. LOL Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn’t experience those symptoms. I told him if he does, he better move a mattress to the RV cuz that is where he will be banished to.

So since James can’t use his hand for work it means he can’t use his hand for the RV project either and yet again, putting us farther behind. Let’s hope this is the last of the tough stuff. I know, I know bad things happen in threes, but I don’t know if I can handle much more.

Here's to a speedy recovery for James and hoping better things are around the corner! Over and out for now.

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