Greetings! I had good intentions of accomplishing a lot today, but my body and mind had other ideas. I was up by 8 and out the door with hubby around 9 to start our work day. Today was the day the bedroom painting WAS going to be FINISHED. James painted the cupboard doors and I touched up the wall and cabinet doors. Happily it is completed....well the painting part of it. That is the main thing we needed to accomplish so that we can move forward in that area. Now all we have left to do is lay carpet and build the bed. Ok not we, but rather James. He is so good at this project!
We agreed that the ceiling paint in the bathroom needed to be finished today as well. James took on that job since he is much taller than I and could reach without any sort of struggle. The shimmer coating looks AWESOME and I am trying really hard to convince James that we should do that throughout the coach...I'm gonna keep trying. Check out the photos below. It really looks even better in person.
Since the majority of the painting is finished in the bath room I figured it would be ok to take down the painters tape. Unfortunately, the tape didn't come off as nicely as it was supposed to and ended up tearing some of the painted wall! Fortunately, this wasn't an issue for hubby. He got some goop and pasted the torn piece back into place and you can't even tell. That event right there was enough for me to call it quits for the day.
James continued working and tightened up the step into the RV. Before It had a little cubby hole that was not practical for anything, so he filled it in and built the floor out a little further.
Well James is calling me. Guess we are going to hang the cabinet doors back up in the bedroom and call it a night. Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying the blog!
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