When I got home from spending the afternoon with Jorden, I figured I better put a second coat of paint on the bathroom cabinets AND James started nagging me about the bathroom ceiling so I ended up putting the color on. It was such thick wonderful paint that it only needed one coat. Tonight it will dry and tomorrow we will put the shimmer treatment on. So excited to see how it looks when it is finished. The ceiling color already makes a difference.
It is really hard to get the true color of the ceiling. I will try in the morning when the sun isn't shining in on the west side of the RV.
So tomorrow James is not working and Jorden works at noonish so that gives us a lot of daylight hours to get a lot accomplished. I will be finishing the cabinets in the bed room and the lovely yellow paint on the walls. James will be working on the priming in the front area and we will be putting up the final treatment for the bathroom ceiling. We may need to pick up a few more brushes because we have a lot of painting and only 2 brushes. :D
Well thanks for stopping by and I'll be checking in tomorrow.
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